Saturday, March 7, 2009

I wish I could eat Pho everyday

You have no idea.
Post Secret has been so lame lately, lately as in meaning the past year and half.
Some reason though, I wait till midnight Sunday morning so I can be one of the first to see the secrets :)

So last night I was wasted, but not like completely gone...but I managed to have an adventure downtown all by myself. Night started off at Megan's/Kevin's/Brent's/ whatever the fuck his name is apartment drinking. Somewhere around midnight we all walked to The Camel (which might I add fucking sucks now).
Long ass line.
5 dollars to get in just to dance to shitty ass music.
One of my coworkers was outside, so hopefully he didn't take in my drunkiness.
Some black British guy hit on me, then told me to "piss off" because he got inside and I didn't want to go with him.
Caro_ and I waited oustide....blah blah blah
Anyways, I ended up walking all the way back to Megan's apartment by myself in high heel boots, which was hell on the cobblestone alleyways, BUT I MADE IT!
Drank a few more beers then decided I needed to go home because I had to work at 10
I need to stop driving drunk, errrgh

Anyways, ate some blue potato chips when I got home =puking all this morning and not going to work :(
I don't even remember calling Kenya telling her I was sick

New York City in 8 days!

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